Do you live in Atlanta and want to do meaningful work from home? Now’s the time! Leverage your customer service expertise to support a Home Warranty Repair and Maintenance Service Provider! Home Warranty and Re...more
Visit to view computer and equipment requirements>> Count Me In!*See list of eligible states here.
**Revenue range represents a combination of base rate and potential incentives that could include but are not limited to performance and urgent service incentives, but does not deduct Platform Usage Fee. All rates are paid to the Service Partner; agent rates are negotiated by and between the Service Partner and agent, not Arise.
***Range reflects revenue paid to the middle 50% of Service Partners.
This is not an offer of employment. It is a potential business-to-business relationship with Arise.
All programs are subject to availability.
What to expect:
- Receive inbound calls from existing contract holders (customers) on an item that is covered under their contract agreement to initiate a claim or follow up on an existing claim.
- Respond to general inquiries.
- Describe the services, plans, and requirements.
- Process change of address requests.
- Accept and process requests for information materials.
- Research and resolving customer complaints.
- Performing callbacks as a customer resolution
- Responding to billing clarification as well as claim status questions and inquires
- Facilitate three-way conferencing and scheduling between customers and service providers.
What it takes to succeed:
- Patience and empathy
- Easily manage stress, able to work under pressure, and adapt to adverse situations
- Be knowledgeable and friendly
-Deliver eloquent customer service
- Have experience working with users to identify the best solution
Skills necessary:
This remote work opportunity is for anyone who is ready to invest in themselves and work hard! Customer service skills, empathy, and motivation are excellent foundations for the work.
In order to service a client through the Arise® Platform, you must pass a series of assessments and successfully complete a virtual certification course specific to the client requirements for the program you have selected.
Certification courses can be as short as a few days or can last up to six weeks, and may include live instruction and/or self-paced work, depending on the complexity of the client program.
For more general information on certification, click here; you can find specific details about this program if available and other client programs in the Program Announcement on the Arise portal after registration.
What you'll be doing:
Providing great customer service for a Home Warranty and Repair Company.
Arise Virtual Solutions
Do you live in Atlanta and want to do meaningful work from home? Now’s the time! Leverage your customer service expertise to support a Home Warranty Repair and Maintenance Service Provider!
Home Warranty and Repair Company Customer Service Opportunity Overview
This company has provided a variety of home warranty, repair and maintenance services nationwide for more than 35 years.
Sign Up Now
What you need to get started:
- Register (for more information on how to register, including choosing your type of business, visit
- View available programs within the Arise portal, and select a program if you like
- Enroll in a certification course to prepare to service
- Computer and Equipment Requirements on
This is not an offer of employment. It is a potential business-to-business relationship with Arise.
Sign Up NowArise connects small home-based businesses—run by everyday people like you—to prestigious Fortune 500 clients through a virtual platform. Arise provides the enterprise clients, your business provides the service. You are in charge and have the option to choose your enterprise clients and set a flexible schedule, while you and your agents work from home. A Platform Usage Fee is charged for the infrastructure that Arise provides, including the Arise 24-Hour Client Technical Support Help Desk, Starmatic® scheduling system, and invoicing services.