Get ready to service a client program by attending a certification course!

To begin servicing a client program, you must learn their systems and their brand standards. Certification courses are unique to each client and provide the learner with critical knowledge related to the client systems and processes.

An arch of stars with a finger pointing to one.

Complete the initial assessment

You are probably eager to get started but before you can see the opportunities that are currently available on the Arise® Platform, you will need to complete an initial assessment through a third-party vendor that validates your skills; you will also have the opportunity to tell us what types of opportunities you are interested in. 

Once the assessment is complete, you will see the Opportunity Announcements for available clients – with information on their corresponding certification courses – that are a best fit for your business based on your schedule, skills, interests, and experience.

A check mark in a circle, inside a prize ribbon.

Free Certification Courses

To begin servicing a client program, you must learn their systems and their brand standards. To do this, you must enroll in and pass the certification course. Certification courses are unique to each client, 100% virtual, and provide the learner with critical knowledge related to the client systems and processes. 

  • While courses are free, it’s important to note that you will have to pay a background check fee (if a valid one is not on file) and class confirmation deposit. Please note that the class confirmation deposit will be fully refunded after you attend the first day of class.
  • Certification courses can range anywhere from 10 days to 4 weeks in length—but it’s always best to consult the Opportunity Announcement for the specific program you are interested in to understand the course details for that program.
  • Most courses are a combination of self-paced learning and instructor-led time. Instructor-led time usually runs Monday–Friday for 4 hours a day, but can vary based on client requirements.
A brief case in front of a laptop.

Certification courses are unpaid

Because the Arise® Platform opportunities require knowledge of specific client requirements, time spent in certification does not generate service revenue.

The second phase of a certification course allows the Service Partner or Agent to generate revenue while taking live calls. The specifics vary by client, but generally this phase allows the Service Partner to receive revenue when calls are taken (but not during in-course time).

It is important to note that Arise pays service revenue to Service Partners. Agents may or may not be paid for this time according to the arrangement agreed upon by a Service Partner and its Agents.

Have questions about enrolling in a certification class?

If you have questions about registering to use the Arise® Platform as an incorporated entity or as an agent of a Service Partner—or about the Arise® Platform in general — you can also refer to the following pages: